Locations of Lily Everhart’s Diaries
Lily Everhart is the founder and leader of the Free Pal Alliance, a faction that opposes the exploitation and abuse of Pals by humans. She is a passionate and charismatic woman who believes in the coexistence and harmony of all living beings. She is also a skilled Pal trainer and fighter, who uses a legendary Pal named Lyleen as her partner. Lyleen is a tall, humanoid Pal with a huge, layered, flowing dress made from petals in various green tones. Lyleen has the ability to manipulate plants and flowers, and can use powerful attacks such as Petal Dance and Solar Beam.
Lily Everhart’s Diary – 1 Location
Lily Everhart’s Diary – 2 Location
Lily Everhart’s Diary – 3 Location
Lily Everhart’s Diary – 4 Location