[PalWorld] How to Change from Night to Day

How to Change from Night to Day

In PalWorld, when night falls, visibility is restricted, and the Cold status is activated, causing continuous damage.

To address this, there is a method to change from night to day.

palworld technology shoddy bed
PalWorld Technology – Shoddy Bed

First, press the Tab key to open the Item window and go to the Technology tab at the top.

Select and unlock the Shoddy Bed (requires level 3).

Since the Shoddy Bed can only be installed under a roof, also unlock the Wooden Structure Set, which is available at level 2.

Stand at the desired location in your base, press the B key, and use the mouse wheel to select Wooden Foundation for installation. Install Wooden Wall on the Wooden Foundation, and proceed to install Wooden Roof.

Similarly, install the Shoddy Bed under the roof using the same method, requiring 20 Wood, 5 Fiber, and 1 Wool.

You can get Wood by chopping down trees, Fiber by hunting Hoocrates or chopping down trees, and Wool by capturing Lamball.

Pressing the F key on a crafted Shoddy Bed and choosing to sleep changes the time from night to day.

in Multiplayer game

In multiplayer game, the transition from night to day occurs when all players lie down in beds

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